The official website of the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council

Best Available Science

The RESTORE Act requires the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council (Council) to “undertake projects and programs, using the best available science that would restore and protect the natural resources, ecosystems, fisheries, marine and wildlife habitats, beaches, coastal wetlands, and economy of the Gulf Coast.” Per the RESTORE Act, "best available science" (BAS) is defined as science that:

  • Maximizes the quality, objectivity, and integrity of information, including statistical information;
  • Uses peer-reviewed and publicly available data; and
  • Clearly documents and communicates risks and uncertainties in the scientific basis for such projects. 

RESTORE Council Best Available Science Integration

The RESTORE Council staff works to facilitate the integration of BAS into Council activities and decision-making, including:


For additional information on best available science activities please contact Amy Newbold