The official website of the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council

FPL 3 EC - Florida

This page provides information regarding Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council (Council) compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other environmental requirements for Funded Priorities List 3 for the state of Florida. Click on the FPL activity name to see the associated environmental compliance documentation.

  • The Apalachicola Regional Restoration Initiative: Strategies 2 & 3
  • Florida Gulf Coast Resiliency Program
  • Florida Gulf Coast Tributaries Hydrologic Restoration Program
  • Florida Strategic Gulf Coast Land Acquisition Program
  • Florida Water Quality Program
    • Planning- Approved
    • Implementation
      • Carpenter Creek Bayou Texar Watershed Outfalls Project- Approved
      • Highway 297A Retrofit Pond Project- Approved

** Activities in FPL Category 2 are not at this time proposed for funding approval. Environmental compliance documentation for Category 2 activities will be available when the Council considers moving the given activity into FPL Category 1.

For additional information on Environmental Compliance or for assistance accessing these documents please contact John Ettinger (Director of Policy and Environmental Compliance) or Heather Young (Senior Advisor for Ecosystem Restoration and Environmental Compliance).