Below are the grants and interagency agreements awarded to the State of Mississippi under the Council-Selected Restoration Component.
Enhancing Opportunities for Beneficial Use (BU) of Dredge Sediments in the Mississippi Sound (Planning)
Organization: Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
Award amount: $2,178,847.00
Federal Award ID Number: GNTCP16MS0022
Watershed: Mississippi Sound
The Mississippi Sound Estuarine Program
Organization: Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
Award amount: $2,057,263.00
Federal Award ID Number: GNTCP19M0062
Watershed: Mississippi Sound
Sea Grant Education and Outreach (Planning & Implementation)
Organization: Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
Award amount: $750,000.00
Federal Award ID Number: GNTCP16MS0020
Watershed: Mississippi Sound
Strategic Land Protection, Conservation, and Enhancement of Priority Gulf Coast Landscapes in MS (Planning & Implementation)
Organization: Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
Award amount: $15,500,000.00
Federal Award ID Number: GNTCP19MS0060
Watershed: Mississippi Sound