The official website of the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council

Public Review and Comment Period- Draft Funded Priorities List 3b

Hale Boggs Federal Building
500 Poydras Street
Suite 1117
New Orleans, LA 70130

On November 16, 2020, the RESTORE Council staff is releasing the draft Funded Priorities List (FPL) 3b for a 50-day public review and comment period that will conclude at 11:59 pm MT on January 5, 2021. Today, the RESTORE Council will host and record two live public webinars. During each live webinar, Council staff will present an overview of the draft FPL 3b, and respond to requests for clarifications from webinar participants. 
The registration links for the live draft FPL 3b- Public Comment webinars are below:
November 16, 2020 at 2:00 pm (CT) Webinar Registration Link
November 16, 2020 at 6:00 pm (CT) Webinar Registration Link
You may register for these webinars in advance. Once registered, a link to access the webinar will be sent to the email address provided during registration. A recording of the presentation and a list of all questions and responses from each webinar will be posted at Due to the health pandemic, the Council will schedule regionally focused virtual public meetings to review the proposed activities for draft FPL 3b in each Gulf state. Please forward this invitation to others who may be interested in the RESTORE Council's activities. 
Learn more about
Keala J. Hughes
Director of External Affairs & Tribal Relations
(504) 717-7235